REPORT 🎙️ Ludomag was behind the scenes of IN FINE 2024 in Poitiers on October 11, where the main topic has been Artificial Intelligence for several editions. This fifth event confirmed the forward momentum of the French education system on various topics related to generative artificial intelligences from technical, practical, legal, and institutional perspectives.
IN-FINE aims to bring together, in the form of a large national training seminar, the leaders and stakeholders of the national education system and the educational digital ecosystem. Nearly 500 education professionals and school partners gathered for two days around the theme of adopting artificial intelligence at the Futuroscope in Poitiers. The program included conferences, participatory workshops, and discussions with current experts on AI in education.
The event was organized by the General Directorate for School Education (DGESCO), the Digital Directorate for Education (DNE), the Poitiers Academy, and IH2EF, with the scientific collaboration of the National Education Scientific Council (CSEN), the University of Poitiers, and the Regional Research Network on Digital Technology for Education (R3 Num Ed), in partnership with Futuroscope.
Artificial intelligence is at the heart of the strategy of the Digital Directorate for Education at the Ministry of National Education, as outlined in the 2023-2027 roadmap, explained Audran le Baron, Director of Digital for Education.
“We have four key objectives for schools,” he stated.
- Leveraging AI to enhance learning, personalize education, and facilitate the work of teachers and administrators.
We have four Key Challenges for Schools with Artificial Intelligence
Audran le Baron – Director of Digital for Education
The conferences at IN-FINE aimed to demonstrate that AI is already a reality in education. Various tools and diverse practices are now commonplace, whereas in previous editions, early adopters and experimenters dominated the scene. Today, we observe widespread, daily, and varied use of AI, notes Olivier Sidokpohou, Inspector General of Education, emphasizing that AI remains an ever-evolving topic.
Teaching AI or Teaching with AI: It’s Already Happening!
The challenge for teachers is learning how to integrate AI into their practices and understanding how students are using it. This involves figuring out how to leverage AI in teaching, becoming familiar with AI’s potential, and recognizing the diverse methods of using AI, such as through robots and other tools. According to Frédéric Alexandre from INRIA, who moderated a panel on « Learning AI with AI, » teaching AI requires thoughtful preparation.
Can AI Help Evolve My Teaching Model?
For educators, the primary challenge of AI revolves around students: understanding their perspectives on AI and adapting teaching methods to include every student. It also requires a multidisciplinary and collaborative approach with colleagues. However, there is a wide disparity in educators’ knowledge of AI. Some have no familiarity, while others are well-versed, but all share the drive to progress, says Damien Dubreuil, Principal at LP2i Futuroscope.
AI’s Impact on Language Education
AI is relevant across all disciplines but has a pronounced effect on modern language education. AI fundamentally alters how languages are taught. For instance, AI-powered translators are among the most recognizable technologies. The language classes of tomorrow, with AI assistance, will focus more on cultural mediation—adapting texts to suit specific audiences and cultural contexts, notes Jonas Erin, Inspector General of National Education.
Supporting Teachers in Professional Transformation
To aid educators and transform professional practices, four key steps must be followed:
- Building trust.
- Addressing the transformation and redefinition of teaching methods.
- Ensuring teacher training and supporting public agents.
- Establishing a critical and legal framework for the use of AI, explains Pascal Meriaux, project manager at DRANE Lyon for “AI in AURA.”
Addressing Regional Inequities in AI Adoption
“There is an urgent need for nationwide AI literacy,” says Marie-Caroline Missir of the CANOPE network. Without action, there is a risk of territorial imbalances. Initiatives such as digital cafés, as suggested by the CNN, could help address this gap.
Students’ Evolving Use of AI
Students are beginning to develop a critical perspective and selective use of AI. Certain tasks, like assessments or memory-based activities, are better suited to traditional tools like paper. However, in areas like corrections or creative tasks, AI is heavily utilized.
According to Florence Biot, from the Digital Directorate for Education and organizer of IN-FINE 2024, this conference allowed education leaders to debate this crucial topic. Perceptions of AI are evolving with each edition, and this year shows that teachers are gaining perspective on AI and applying it in increasingly diverse ways.
The goal for the National Education System is to present and discuss these advancements at the Global Summit on AI.