CLASSROOM REPORT 🎥 Pierre Jean, headmaster and primary school teacher for CM1 and CM2 classes at Mairan School in downtown Béziers, welcomed us to discover the Webradio activities he has been running for over three years with his CM1 and CM2 students. This activity helps develop multiple language-related skills.
The Webradio project is a tool that enables work on language and verbal expression. The exercise provides rich language practice: students work with a more formal and complex level of language compared to their everyday usage. Producing a radio show involves using both written and oral language skills.
Webradio allows students to practice using words and expressions that they are not accustomed to employing. Each radio show requires one to two hours of preparation time, depending on the students’ experience. The process is similar to that of a real radio broadcast, with a newsroom setting. Students work on the text, content, topics to cover, show structure, breaks, and dialogues, all while focusing on using formal language. Choosing the content for the show also encourages discussions and negotiations among students about what should be written or included in the broadcast.
There is no audition process; everyone takes part in Mairan Radio!
Pierre Jean, headmaster of Mairan School and CM1, CM2 teacher Of course, the equipment used is important. At the start of the project, the tools were less efficient. Today, they use an all-in-one integrated device (Rodcaster Pro 2), which speeds up the process, allows for the preparation of soundtracks, and enables recording a show from start to finish without requiring post-production editing. (The equipment was purchased thanks to the TNE operation in Hérault, in which the city of Béziers is involved.)
As a headmaster, beyond classroom language work, Pierre Jean also sees it as a tool for informing and promoting what is happening at the school, primarily to parents.
Most of the time, after each broadcast, the audio file is uploaded to the school’s ENT (Digital Workspace) platform to be shared with families.
The topics covered include classroom and extracurricular activities, museum visits or outings, important school matters like bullying, student relationships, and respect for others. Music also plays a significant role in the students’ productions.