Juliette Filiol regularly posts on her blog Cinephiledoc once a month about the activities conducted as a school librarian. These activities include managing the library collection, conducting educational sessions with classes, communication actions, and participation in external events.
Here’s an overview of these activities, with the report published for the month of April.
Library Activities
I am nearing the end of the selections prepared in advance since early January. As I mentioned in my previous articles, I aimed to get ahead with my efforts to promote the library collection, so that I would only need to set them up on certain dates and free up time for other activities.
Since I will not be present after the holidays, I plan to focus on the selections for May and June a little later (I initially intended to do this at the end of March or beginning of April, but I really lacked time).
For the period from January to April, my goal was to offer one thematic selection per week, relying, as I mentioned in the article about the bullet journal, on national and international events, and I generally managed to stick to it.
As for the months of May and June, it will be more day by day…
- « Say No to Racism » Selection (March 21)
This selection was proposed starting from March 19 and is still in place.
Since the resources dedicated to the press week and sciences (I will come back to this later) took up more space, I proposed this mini-selection on a high table, sandwiching several books between two others, which I will certainly replicate later.
- Tolkien Reading Day (March 25)
This selection allowed me to bring out a few fantasy books, and I noted that the collection was not very well-stocked in this genre… I will consider this for a future order.
- New Science Releases (March 25)
I took advantage of the latest orders that arrived at the school library to catalog some books and showcase them.
This is something I am starting to do more systematically when I receive an order now.
Before, I imported all the book notices received from Moccam. Now, I only use Moccam to create baskets of ISBNs and place my orders, and I gradually and manually catalog the books, grouping them by themes.
This allows me to simultaneously catalog and promote the new releases, and to better know the most recent books in my collection.
I cataloged these 10 books on March 25, equipped them shortly after, then created this visual that I later posted on the library’s blog and Instagram account, after setting up the selection.
- April 1st Selection
To end the period on a lighter note, I offered this « not at all serious » selection:
I added a few more books collected here and there, and I set up this selection on March 28:
- Collaborative Puzzle
The first puzzle set up after the holidays has been completed. For the second puzzle of the period, we conducted a poll on Instagram to allow students to choose the design, but the two options received an equal number of votes, so we had to make the final decision.
The « Bal au Moulin de la Galette » puzzle is still being developed as I write this article.
- Selections Proposed for the School’s 50th Anniversary
On the occasion of the school’s 50th anniversary, a day was organized, mainly focusing on the sciences.
The two colleagues who largely organized the event managed to invite one of the school’s former students, Emmanuelle Charpentier, the 2020 Nobel Prize winner in Chemistry.
As part of this event, Roman and I proposed thematic selections on Einstein, on the sciences, and on female scientists.
The students from the journalism workshop also had the opportunity to interview Emmanuelle Charpentier, which was conducted in the form of a web radio broadcast.
Since I was quite busy outside during this period, Roman mainly took charge of the selections proposed in the library on these themes, organizing the web radio broadcast with the active participation of one of our students as a technician, and also creating two panels presenting old class photos taken between 1974 and 2024 in the school corridors.
Educational Sessions and Actions
Here are the sessions conducted between March 18 and April 5, primarily focused on Science and Technology (SNT).
For clarity, I will list the sessions, their titles, objectives, and the classes involved here.
I conducted an introductory session on the thematic axis « Structured Data » in SNT with two sophomore classes.
As I mentioned in the March article, I am including below the supporting documents I used for this session.
- Session Materials:
These materials are created using Canva.
Structured Data in SNT
- Student Worksheets:
Structured Data SNT 2023 2024
As usual now, I distribute a colored and laminated student worksheet corresponding to the first page of the PDF document to a group of four to five students.
The students then receive individual photocopies of the following pages.
Regarding the first activity, which involves a learning app, I do the activity with them live.
Indeed, when it is not guided, this game makes much less sense for students, who tend to get lost. I made the mistake during the first session, which allowed me to correct it with the following groups.
With three other classes, I initiated the sequence I propose on the thematic axis of SNT « Social Networks ».
As with my « Internet and Web » sequence, this sequence is supposed to take place in 3 sessions, but its organization can vary depending on the classes:
- Session 1: digital identity and social networks: contribute to mapping the class’s digital identity via a questionnaire / participate in the Zone Blanche escape game, draw lots for a social network to present.
- Session 2: the identity card of a social network: prepare the presentation of the social network drawn by lot and present it orally.
- Session 3: cyberbullying and fake news: choose one of the themes, consult resources, and create an awareness poster.
I had already conducted this sequence in previous years, either alone or in co-teaching with colleagues, and even though I have slightly evolved its form, the spirit remains the same. For now, here is where I am in terms of progress with my classes:
- Sophomore class 13: all 3 sessions have been conducted, I still need to collect the students’ productions and their PIX campaign.
- Sophomore class 11: I conducted 2 out of 3 sessions (knowing that in session 2 they had to work on their social network presentation and present it orally during a session with the SNT teacher in charge).
- Sophomore class 4: I conducted the first session on April 5.
I will share the documents from these sessions once I have finished with all six classes.
HGGSP: Press and Climate
I designed this session at the request of a history-geography colleague, as part of the press week.
For this, the educational dossier was very helpful, but I also adapted the sessions proposed to the level of the HGGSP seniors and the time available (two hours).
So, I reused a working method that I had previously used in the past years with HGGSP juniors on the axis of « Informing »: a workshop-style approach followed by a presentation with expert students in the form of a booklet.
- Workshop Documents
HGGSP Senior Press and Climate
Students have access to one document per workshop and access to a Pearltrees collection.
- Presentation Booklet
After an hour, we form expert groups that allow students to exchange information on workshops they did not participate in.
The students engaged well in the activity, and I enjoyed preparing and conducting this session, which also allowed me to keep up with the latest developments in artificial intelligence and climate, a topic I will soon present in new reading notes.
This month, communication efforts focused on the aforementioned workshops and activities. However, I did not have time to update my newsletter for teachers during this period, as I prioritized other communication actions.
« Rebuilding Notre-Dame » Educational Kit
Thanks to a history-geography colleague who shared the information, we ordered this educational kit in January, which we received.
We waited to test various activities with the students before doing a broader communication, and it was in collaboration with him that I created this presentation.
Blogs on the School’s Digital Platform
For these three blogs, I took the initiative in the last week of December to switch them to public mode, to give them a bit more visibility and to allow you to see more concretely how they operate, even if I don’t always update them with the utmost regularity…
- CDI Blog
This month, 4 articles were published on the thematic selections mentioned earlier, as well as on March 18, a special « Zoom Actu » for the Press Week, and on the Friday of the holidays, the to-do list (which I recycled from last year):
- Digital Resources Blog
An article published this month about the educational kit for Notre-Dame (a preferred channel while the school’s digital platform messaging was unavailable).
- Orientation Information Blog
This month, the period is much quieter in terms of open house events; I did not publish any articles on this blog.
CDI Instagram Account
The CDI Instagram account continues its momentum, and it’s the communication channel where I find it easiest to publish.
- Photos and Videos Posted Directly
On March 20, I posted a photo of the progress of the puzzle set up in the CDI, and then on March 22, when it was completed, the poll to choose the new puzzle.
On April 4th and 5th, I shared on the account the activities proposed by the students from the reading workshop (English enthusiasts): an egg hunt organized in the CDI. Students had to find paper eggs with English quotes hidden in the shelves.
- Visuals Posted on the CDI Blog and Shared on Instagram
During this period, I shared the visuals presented earlier (Say No to Racism, Tolkien Reading Day, New Science Releases, and April 1st Selection) on the account.
- The Adventures of Chat Bla-bla
Chat Bla-bla had a good time during this period: he attended a district meeting, visited his friend Guigui the parrot at Guinettes College in Étampes, and participated in two interventions on artificial intelligence.
His adventures are not over as he will discreetly follow me at the internal CAPES exam at the end of April.
Other Activities
Lastly, as usual, I conclude with other professional activities during the period, along with a brief section on diligent Wednesdays.
Activities, Meetings, Internships, Travel
- March 19: District meeting at René Cassin High School in Arpajon, focusing on well-being;
- March 21-25-28: I joyfully welcomed a colleague, Marie Mignola, an English teacher on professional mobility, for 3 days at the CDI, and I take this opportunity to thank her and greet her here;
- March 25: I attended a remote meeting to prepare for my intervention at a fablab organized by Canopé 95 (see below);
- March 26: I attended a meeting with external evaluators of the high school as a reference for pedagogical digital uses;
- March 27: I participated in a remote meeting with the Savoir Devenir team on the Algowatch project;
- March 29: I facilitated the second part of my training on « Energizing Your Monitoring and Making Your Action Visible »;
- April 3: I led 3 workshops to present my artificial intelligence game at the ephemeral fablab organized in Enghien-les-Bains;
- April 4: I led 2 workshops at the seminar for digital academic contacts in documentation in Paris.
Diligent Wednesdays
Here’s a brief overview of my Wednesdays during this period, which were a bit calmer than the previous one:
- March 20: An hour-long session with the 10th-grade class 1 on structured data, then I went with Chat Bla-bla to see Hélène and Floriane, who are respectively the head teacher and librarian at Guinettes College in Étampes.
- March 27: Remote meeting for the Algowatch project, a phone exchange with Adeline Rameix, who is participating in this project with me, and readings on artificial intelligence in preparation for the publication of the upcoming reading notes.
- April 3: A day in Enghien-les-Bains, and continued readings during transportation.
This period was very rich and intense professionally, and I hope to have some time to relax. Wishing you all excellent holidays and see you soon on Cinephiledoc!
Article published by Juliette Filiol, read the original article on : cinephiledoc.com